Virtually every anesthesia billing company now offers some type of portal to their clients, often claiming that the portal will provide transparency and unlimited access to your data. The reality is most of these dashboards use pictures and dials to present the same information in a different format than you’re already receiving.  What story are those pictures really telling you? Do they leave you with the same unanswered questions as your monthly reports?

Queue Fusion Anesthesia Solutions, where we actually provide complete anesthesia billing transparency to our clients. Our client portal, CogitoAnalytics, syncs with our billing platform daily giving you near real-time access to reports and data. Here is where we are different: in addition to providing anesthesia billing data in a myriad of comprehensible formats within CogitoAnalytics, we also provide our clients with raw data. This means in addition to seeing metrics such as net collection percentage, volume, charges, payments, etc. we provide our clients with the patient and claim level detail in support of those metrics. Reports are great and should easily demonstrate the financial health of your practice, but a report without the data to support it, what is it really telling you?

Write-offs seem to be another area of concern for many practices. You may receive reports that show “contractual write-offs” or “write-offs” as a general category but how can you really be sure what’s being written-off or allocated to that bucket? At Fusion Anesthesia Solutions, that’s simple: each month our clients receive an AR transaction report detailing any write-offs down to the amount and adjustment code. Clients are able to drill down to these amounts, should they choose to do so, via the data presented in CogitoAnalytics as detailed above.  At Fusion, we believe 100% transparency in anesthesia billing is the first step in building a trusted partnership.

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Anesthesia Billing Transparency with CogitoAnalytics

Anesthesia Billing Transparency with CogitoAnalytics

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