What are the CMS Anesthesia Guidelines for 2024? Chapter II of the National Correct Coding Initiative Policy Manual for Medicare Services goes over the CMS Anesthesia Guidelines for 2024. We’ve provided the CMS Anesthesia Guidelines for 2024 below – From...
During our last company wide meeting, the Fusion Anesthesia Solutions’ leadership team discussed our organization’s goals and that lead into a very insightful company wide Q & A. Some of the questions and observations were surrounding our clients, who from...
While external audits are an extremely effective way to evaluate how your anesthesia billing service is performing, an audit can be costly and time consuming. While the results may provide the best insight to your vendor’s performance, we’ve put together a list of...
Practice Independence: How to Remain Independent During Market Uncertainty From our perspective, anesthesia providers who are owners in an independent practice are happier in their work, enjoy having control over their retirement – and make significantly more money...
The annual anesthesiology conference is back in full force! It was great to see the conference return to pre-pandemic attendance at the Anesthesiology 2023 Conference in San Francisco, California. The Fusion Anesthesia booth was busy, and we had some great...
Whether you’ve made the decision to change anesthesia billing vendors or have decided to move from an in-house billing operation to outsourcing, a common question we heard from every client that chose us is: What Makes Fusion Different? Below are just a few of the...