We have many hospitals that we partner with to provide revenue cycle management services for their anesthesiology departments (including academic) or employed medical groups. While we handle payer contract negotiations for our private practice clients, the process for...
Anesthesia is the most complex of any specialty to bill due to the large number of documents that must be reviewed to accurately code and bill as well as the formula used to bill (Base Units + Time Units + Modifiers) x Conversion Factor. Most hospitals are now using...
Transparent Performance: ANESTHESIA BILLING WITH 100% TRANSPARENCY Not partnering with the correct anesthesia billing company will significantly impact the revenue of your anesthesia practice. At Fusion Anesthesia Solutions we believe 100% transparency in anesthesia...
Reimbursement Issues in Anesthesiology: Part 2 of our Revenue Cycle Health for Hospitals Series In Part 2 of our series on Revenue Cycle Health for Hospital Anesthesiology Departments we’ll explore issues with revenue leakage on anesthesia services. As discussed in...
The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Hospital’s Anesthesia Revenue Cycle: Part 1 of our Revenue Cycle Health for Hospitals Series Part 1 of our series on Revenue Cycle Health for Hospital Anesthesiology Departments will focus on the complexities involved in...
The Impact of Write-Offs on Your Anesthesia Practice’s Financial Health and Why You Should be Auditing Them Regularly: Part 1 of our Anesthesia Billing Revenue Cycle Health Series In the anesthesia billing world, there are two types of write-offs: contractual...