3 Frequently Asked Questions – Cheat Sheet for Anesthesia Billing
Question: Does it matter if I use an anesthesia specific billing company or a general medical billing company? Answer: Yes. Here is the difference: General medical billing companies are built to generally maximize revenue across all departments. In general, this...
When is the Right Time to Switch Anesthesia Billing Companies?
Ensuring that you are partnered with the right anesthesia billing company is imperative for the future of your anesthesia practice. If you are not with the right company, you need to switch anesthesia billing companies. If you are here reading...
The Future of Anesthesia – What to Expect in Anesthesiology in 2021
The Future of Anesthesia – What to expect in Anesthesiology This year has been full of unknowns. With the COVID-19 pandemic, national shutdowns, changes in taxes, potential stimulus packages, elections, and a constantly changing healthcare system, the year 2020 has...
General Medical Billing vs Anesthesiology Billing in the Hospital
Hospitals nationwide are experiencing changes throughout their entire infrastructure and procedures. With new safety protocols, practice management changes, regulation rules, new billing methods and ever-changing tax laws, hospitals are experiencing a lot of...